Join our volunteer team for the 120th Harley-Davidson Festival!

Budapest will host the Harley-Davidson 120th Anniversary Festival from 22-25 June 2023, and thousands of motorcyclists and visitors are expected to attend. A huge event like this cannot happen without volunteers.

Be part of the biggest European motorcycle meet of 2023 in Puskás Arena Park! To apply, you must be at least 16 years old by the first day of the event. Volunteers under 18 must present a parent/legal guardian consent.


  • Reliable, hard-working, open-minded and flexible personality.
  • English language at an advanced level.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Ability to work in a team.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Attendance at pre-event briefing(s).
  • In a leadership position a minimum of 2 consecutive days must be undertaken.

Each volunteer will be given a uniform, which must be worn at all times whilst working. Volunteers may keep the uniform after the event. Each volunteer will be issued with a photo accreditation card which will grant them access to the event to carry out their duties (the card can also be kept after the event). Volunteers will be provided with one meal a day and beverage to stay properly hydrated. At the related events and accompanying events (e.g. pre-event press conferences) there will be opportunities to join as volunteers for certain tasks. We will send information about these opportunities via email to the contact details given in the application process.

Positions you can apply for:


Volunteers are responsible for coordinating the entry and exit of visitors, guests and vehicles during the event. Their main task is to provide information and giving directions. They cooperate with the security team, help the accreditation team and ticket collectors to support smooth access and leaving to and from the festival venue.

Senior volunteers responsible for admission
Senior admission volunteers supervise the work of the admission volunteers. They check that the signs around the stadium are properly posted. They also assist the organising team with implementation ad hoc tasks.


The accreditation team provides access for all persons involved in organising and managing the event (such as organisers, sponsors, performers, media, security, volunteers, maintenance, cleaning, other staff, etc.) to the appropriate zones they work in, and the team also assists in the preparation and issuing of the accreditation cards.


The VIP and Protocol team is responsible for VIP guests attending the festival. They welcome and accompany guests at the airport, hotels and on site. They provide information about the event and manage the distinguished guests’ questions and requests. They work closely with members of the transport team.


The volunteers' main task is to coordinate the passenger transport service between hotels, the airport and the festival site. They ensure availability of the required vehicles, and direct guests to the appropriate zones and vehicles.

Transport coordinator volunteer
Transport coordinator supervises and coordinates the volunteers’ work in the transport team, liaises with volunteers and organisers responsible for VIP guests.
A minimum of 2 consecutive days must be undertaken to fulfil this role.


The logistics team provides the appropriate environment and conditions for the work of the organisers and other staff. The job involves general office duties, providing the necessary equipment and working areas for the organisers, and setting up the exhibition areas and programme venues.

Logistics coordinator volunteer
Logistics coordinator supervises and coordinates the volunteers working in the logistics team, maintains continuous contact with the organiser in charge of the logistics area.
A minimum of 2 consecutive days must be undertaken to fulfil this role.


Volunteers are responsible for assisting and supporting the marketing activities of the contracted partners, for example by participating in the on-site activities of official sponsors.


The volunteers work in the media centre, in the press office, where they facilitate the press officers’ and media representatives’ (journalists and photographers) work with various administrative and coordinating tasks.


This team is responsible for ensuring that programmes and activities run according to plan and schedule, and that the on-site services run smoothly.

Senior Programme Coordinator Volunteer
Senior Programme Coordinator Volunteers support the organising team with operational tasks. They also manage and support other volunteers working on the programmes.
A minimum of 2 consecutive days must be undertaken to fulfil this role.

A jelen felhívás szerinti önkéntes tevékenység szervezése a közérdekű önkéntes tevékenységről szóló 2005. évi LXXXVIII. törvény és a nemzeti köznevelésről szóló 2011. évi CXC. törvényen alapuló, a nevelési-oktatási intézmények működéséről és a köznevelési intézmények névhasználatáról 20/2012. (VIII. 31.) EMMI rendelet szabályaira tekintettel történik.


We are looking for volunteers to join our team. Deadline for application: 15 June 2023
If you have any questions, please contact us via

Registration for volunteers

*mandatory information

**optional information

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